
May 16th, 2012 § Comments Off on Finally! § permalink

I got a sweet birthday gift a couple months ago when my orthopedic surgeon called to move up my surgery date.   Of course that meant I only had a week to sort out all the pre-op stuff I needed to do.  Blood tests, meetings with anesthesiologists, notifying friends and family, downloading movies and TV shows to watch during recovery.  There’s a lot to do.

I ended up going with a private doctor because the public system was just too slow and conservative.  One too many doctors told me that everything was fine, even after repeated relapses.  There is only so many times you can go back out onto the field knowing you have a bum knee. » Read the rest of this entry «

Giant Knees

February 9th, 2012 § Comments Off on Giant Knees § permalink

I joined about 110 million in the US and another unknown millions around the world watching Super Bowl XLVI Sunday night.  Kick-off started at 1:30 in the morning.  A friend came over and we put on some home made burgers and a variety of chips.  I set up a projector connected to my laptop and was able to pick up an NBC feed, commercials and everything. » Read the rest of this entry «

Flashback to the Future?

January 15th, 2012 § Comments Off on Flashback to the Future? § permalink

I’ve talked a lot over the past year plus about Chicago sports –  Hockey, Football, Basketball and Baseball.  But I also have a San Fransisco connection.

Montana and Young on the Sideline

Montana and Young on the Sideline

I was born out there while my parents were at Stanford, and we went back when I was in 1st grade for a year.  My defensive football heroes were undoubtedly back in Chicago but a young impressionable kid could easily get caught up in the excitement of Joe Montana and Bill Walsh‘s offense. » Read the rest of this entry «

Fancy Picture Hacking Box

December 22nd, 2011 § Comments Off on Fancy Picture Hacking Box § permalink

A while back, when I was just starting out this WordPress site, I posted about some of the adventures in setting this up.  Specifically, I wanted a widget that would show some random images from the media database.  My thinking was that I want people to be able to see some of the pictures that I’ve included in my posts without making the pictures the center of the blog.  This way, on every page there are four (but that’s a setting you can change) random pictures from across all my posts.  Pretty, but it needs to be able to link to the corresponding post to actually be useful.

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It’s Been A While

December 14th, 2011 § Comments Off on It’s Been A While § permalink

I’ve had a bit of a hiatus from this blog for the past couple of months.  Not that I was ever much of a prolific writer over here.

Somethings that I have written about that have advancedchanged, regressed, or remained static since I last saw them: