April 11th, 2011 § Comments Off on TGIF § permalink
This is [a slightly edited] letter that I wrote Friday night summarizing an afternoon I spent teaching Ultimate at a boarding school near Acco as part of Ultimate Peace, an initiative to promote cross cultural meetings with Ultimate Frisbee.
Hey gang!
I spent a good part of this week dealing with all sorts of Ultimate related things, but I kept coming back to the same nagging question: What is the weather going to be like on Friday! The internet on my phone kept saying rain, even when I checked it repeatedly. The internet on my computer said differently, but the pessimist in me didn’t want to believe it. So you can imagine the dismay I felt when I woke up to a text message that Kfar Tavor had canceled partly because of the weather.
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April 3rd, 2011 § Comments Off on Opening Day, 2011 § permalink
A couple of days late, but “better late than never”. As they say. And if there is any place where the cliche is ingrained in it’s essence, well it’s Baseball or nothing.
Wait Til Next Year
“Wait Till Next Year,” a mainstay of us Cub fans, is on hold for at least a little while. And After a shaky game and a half, the Cubs are sitting pretty at 1-1, so hope is still alive! » Read the rest of this entry «
February 20th, 2011 § Comments Off on Dave Duerson § permalink
Just a couple of weeks ago, in this space, I praised the 1985 Chicago Bears, and specifically Richard Dent on his selection to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Today, I feel the need to say something about Dave Duerson. Duerson was found dead Thursday evening in his home. They are now saying that it was a self inflicted gunshot wound. All of the articles I’ve seen have emphasized that he has donated his brain to research.
I’ve thought about Walter Payton a lot this weekend also.
I have nothing insightful or meaningful to add. I just wanted to share.
February 13th, 2011 § § permalink
With options for TV, radio, video on demand, and even internet, modern cable boxes have become increasingly complex. Yesterday I watched a two year old sit on a cable remote control. He changed the box into what I think was some sort of radio mode. I think he also managed to overload the remote of the box or both, because nothing seemed to be working. We were trying to watch the news of events in Egypt, so we tried to get the channel back. We had to leave, so we shut off the TV, and left. Later, someone had tried to turn the TV back on, and we found it still stuck in it’s jammed state, completely unresponsive to the remote. » Read the rest of this entry «
February 6th, 2011 § § permalink
This morning, when I sat down at my computer to read my email and check out the latest news online I actually fist pumped. Not to anyone, there was no one around, just to myself. When one of the sports heroes that you idolized as a child is voted into the Hall of Fame for his sport to some extent it validates your support of him and his team.
This morning I woke up to find Richard Dent the newest member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
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