What is my online presence, why is that, and what do I want it to be?
What is my online presence?
I spend a lot of time cruising the internet. Much of it is spent on a small number of websites. I check ESPN.com at least once per day, I try to check out nytimes.com and haaretz.com also every now and again. I usually have gmail open in the background. The site I spend the most time on, though, is google reader. I have a large number of subscriptions there. From Chicago sports news to tech updates to web comics to torrent feeds to culture web magazines to really random stuff.
While I may read a lot, I subscribe to very few websites, and comment on even fewer. [A few months ago, I got really excited about something I found, and commented about it on a website. Seconds later someone pointed out how very wrong I was…] There is something about logging in to sites that doesn’t click with me. Even more so, commenting is a strangely public thing that I just don’t feel comfortable with. » Read the rest of this entry «