Adding new Sidebars to a WordPress Theme

November 22nd, 2010

In setting up my blog, I found that I like having the “Meta” widget active.  It has links to log into (and out of) the admin section, links to RSS feeds, and links to  I don’t know how really useful it is, and maybe when I’ve developed more content I won’t want it.  But we’ll cross that bridge when the time comes.

However I did come across a problem.  Having put it in the sidebar, the “Meta” links just looked out of place and i thought it might be less obtrusive in the footer.

I’m using the oulipo theme, which I like very much but it only has a single sidebar.  After a quick Google search, I came across a nice article on Tips & Tricks that explained how sidebars are added in WordPress.  Fantastic, easy, and well written.  In just a couple of minutes I was editing the CSS of the new sidebar in the footer.

Thank you Tips & Tricks HQ.

Next up, I want to sort links not alphabetically, and replace the <li> icons with | (vertical bar) or something similar.  Any Ideas on how to do that?  I also want to add share buttons, specifically “email this story.”  Maybe it’s old fashioned to email posts instead of sharing them on Facebook or Digg, but that’s how I roll…

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