December 14th, 2011 § Comments Off on It’s Been A While § permalink
I’ve had a bit of a hiatus from this blog for the past couple of months. Not that I was ever much of a prolific writer over here.
Somethings that I have written about that have advanced, changed, regressed, or remained static since I last saw them:
January 4th, 2011 § Comments Off on The Boxes In The Attic § permalink
I spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks going through boxes of old papers, books, and pictures with my parents and brother. We moved into the house over 30 years ago when I was less than a year old. Since then, we have accumulated all the usual papers and such that people create, as well as boxes of things from various grandparents and other relatives who have passed away. Twice when I was growing up we went as a family on a sabbatical and rented out our house, once for a full year and once for a semester, but that succeeded only in pushing the boxes further back into the recesses of the attic.
A lot of what we found was junk. Boxes upon boxes of old, outdated tax records gave a reason for my parents to use their new favorite service: document shredding. They called a company that came to the house with a shredder on a truck and the company took all their boxes of old documents and shredded them right there. » Read the rest of this entry «
December 13th, 2010 § Comments Off on Bear Down and Bundle Up § permalink
I spend a lot of Sundays watching football by myself. Last Sunday, when the Bears played the Lions, we watched the game in the hospital with a two day old Maya. This week I was at their house in Gurnee, and we were a little more prepared. We made plans for the grill and the game in traditional fashion. » Read the rest of this entry «
December 13th, 2010 § Comments Off on A Rose By Any Other Name § permalink
I’ve been talking about or to my father ever since I learned to talk, but I found myself in an odd situation just the other day. » Read the rest of this entry «
December 12th, 2010 § Comments Off on Newest Family Memeber § permalink
I woke up in Toronto last Saturday morning to find an email in my inbox from my mother that my sister-in-law was in labor.

Abe & Maya - Day 1
The friend I was visiting helped me get to the airport early, where I was able to get on an earlier flight to Chicago. While waiting in customs, I logged into my email to let my parents know when to pick me up, and I found an email saying that she had given birth. » Read the rest of this entry «