WordPress as a CMS

November 21st, 2010 § Comments Off on WordPress as a CMS § permalink

I suppose, seeing as though I’m a web developer, my first post on my new WordPress blog should be about WordPress.

I first encountered WordPress a number of years ago when I was working on a project that never took off.  I was intrigued by the idea of a simple interface for bloggers, and especially the multi-blog features.

Last year I took on a large project that I ended up basing on the Joomla framework.  That was a very interesting experience.  I found some parts of Joomla to be fantastic for giving me a platform on which to create, but other times it was a stifling mass of code. In particular, I needed to create registration forms with numerous fields. I spent a significant amount of time downloading, installing, testing, and rejecting various Joomla form components.  I decided that I didn’t like any of them.  Mostly, it was the clunky way you created new forms.  They were trying so hard to create dynamic interfaces, but none of them were something I felt comfortable putting in front of the client without giving them a week long seminar in how to use it. » Read the rest of this entry «

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