January 15th, 2012 § Comments Off on Flashback to the Future? § permalink
I’ve talked a lot over the past year plus about Chicago sports – Hockey, Football, Basketball and Baseball. But I also have a San Fransisco connection.

Montana and Young on the Sideline
I was born out there while my parents were at Stanford, and we went back when I was in 1st grade for a year. My defensive football heroes were undoubtedly back in Chicago but a young impressionable kid could easily get caught up in the excitement of Joe Montana and Bill Walsh‘s offense. » Read the rest of this entry «
September 19th, 2011 § Comments Off on Sometimes, it’s hard to watch… § permalink
I think I’ve calmed down enough after yesterday’s Bears game in New Orleans to talk about it without shouting.

Matt Forte Tripped Up
7-3 after one quarter: Nice start. 10-16 at the half: One score game. 13-23 after three: Field goals will not cut the deficit. Final score 13-30: [Banging head against desk] » Read the rest of this entry «
February 20th, 2011 § Comments Off on Dave Duerson § permalink
Just a couple of weeks ago, in this space, I praised the 1985 Chicago Bears, and specifically Richard Dent on his selection to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Today, I feel the need to say something about Dave Duerson. Duerson was found dead Thursday evening in his home. They are now saying that it was a self inflicted gunshot wound. All of the articles I’ve seen have emphasized that he has donated his brain to research.
I’ve thought about Walter Payton a lot this weekend also.
I have nothing insightful or meaningful to add. I just wanted to share.
February 6th, 2011 § § permalink
This morning, when I sat down at my computer to read my email and check out the latest news online I actually fist pumped. Not to anyone, there was no one around, just to myself. When one of the sports heroes that you idolized as a child is voted into the Hall of Fame for his sport to some extent it validates your support of him and his team.
This morning I woke up to find Richard Dent the newest member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
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January 24th, 2011 § Comments Off on Hibernation for the Winter § permalink
I spent a fair amount of time over the past week thinking about what to post here about the upcoming Bears game against the Green Bay Packers. Game of the ages, 182nd meeting, hype, hype, hype. I just couldn’t think of anything to write that would add at all to what was out there.
There was a lot of good stuff out there. There were lots of articles rehashing the same bunch of player memories from the rivalry. There were the obligatory Chicago kid who played in Green Bay, and the Wisconsin kid who played for the Bears. There was even a clip, on the Bears website, from the 1941 playoff game. » Read the rest of this entry «