Fancy Picture Hacking Box

December 22nd, 2011 § Comments Off on Fancy Picture Hacking Box § permalink

A while back, when I was just starting out this WordPress site, I posted about some of the adventures in setting this up.  Specifically, I wanted a widget that would show some random images from the media database.  My thinking was that I want people to be able to see some of the pictures that I’ve included in my posts without making the pictures the center of the blog.  This way, on every page there are four (but that’s a setting you can change) random pictures from across all my posts.  Pretty, but it needs to be able to link to the corresponding post to actually be useful.

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That’s Two Down

November 24th, 2010 § Comments Off on That’s Two Down § permalink

Well, I’ve just uploaded my second plugin to this site.  It’s not much, as it leans heavily on the built in link widget.  I wanted to list the links of the rest of my families websites in a specific order.  I could have hard coded it in, but that seems silly if there is a links function already built into WordPress.  But I couldn’t find anywhere to make a simple sorted list of a category.  Also, I am trying my hardest to avoid touching the core.  I don’t want to change something in a core file and then have an update erase it because that would be a nightmare to debug.  I can deal with a plugin I wrote using a depreciated function, that’s no big deal. » Read the rest of this entry «

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